Yatanarmyintzuyi Payahitaghar Orphanage Visit
It’s very nice to see everybody helping out with Community Service. During our Week Without Walls trip to Pyay, we visited the Yatanarmyintzuyi Payahitagahar orphanage. Like our last visits, we donated stationeries like Shan bags, rulers, pencil boxes, pencils, erasers, and sharpeners to each child. We also provided the orphanage with food such as oil, rice and snacks for special prizes for the activities we did at the orphanage.
We divided our groups into 6 groups; Art, English Teaching, Jewelry Making, Games, Soccer, and Badminton.
The English teaching activity was not only enjoyable for them, but it was a fun for us too. Orphans also enjoyed this booth because they sure did learn some English because of the competitions and the prizes they won when they won the competition.
Aye Aye very focused on teaching the fruits to little orphans.
Sandee, Crystal, and Yuri teaching new vocabularies to little orphans.
Orphans having a good time making jewelry. Our jewelry group was very fun and exciting for the orphans. These jewels provided a nice gift for the orphans and they could show-off their nice designs.
Vivian, Nadi, Ms.Pauline, Hein Moe, and Htet Myat, the teachers of jewelry making. ;P (see right)
Arts was also popular during our visit. Orphans who were often quiet and liked art showed up for this Art activity. This includes coloring books, free-drawing, tracing, and etc. Many pictures of many topics were drawn by the orphans and were really interesting to see what they had in mind by looking at their pictures.
Wardah, Seung Bin, and Blake were
clustered by young artists eager to draw! (see left)
Orphans had fun playing games like snake- and –ladder, and many other board games. Sporty kids also like playing badminton and soccer and sure did have fun and got all sweaty.
Overall, both the orphans and us had fun during our orphanage visit to Yatanarmyintzuyi payahitagahar orphanage.
“Together we can make a difference!”
By. Yuri